What we do:

S A Secure provides the widest, unbiased choice of Retail Labelling and Tagging Solutions; targeting the security of merchandise that will be tagged either within the UK or in mills abroad.


Contact S A Secure for all your RF, AM, EM and RFID labels, we also supply hard tags for any Source Tagging requirements you may have.


With overseas warehouses in strategic locations S A Secure are well placed to provide fast delivery times with courier costs kept to a minimum.


Working with you to provide the service you require, whether it is a simple as providing boxed products or something more intricate such as helping you instigate and set-up a full Source Tagging initiative; fundamentally S A Secure can assist you, decrease your losses and increase your profitability, regardless of whether you are a small independent store or a multinational organisation.


Please call our sales team on 01633 415590 for further assistance.